Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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wednesday11 Nov 2020

Bing Confirms They Let Machine Learning Set Ranking Signal Weights

Fabrice Canel from Bing confirms that at Bing they pass all their ranking signals to machine learning algorithms and it decides on the weights for those ranking signals. Jump to the 35-minute mark to jump to that bit of info.

Obviously, their search team can look into whats those strengths are but they say that it’s something that is continually tweaked by the ML algorithms.

They also go on to discuss other things like how Bing can understand primary content on a page, hidden content, content in tabs, etc and how they can play a part in ranking and discovery.

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Make Your content Hidden in Accordion Tabs Available for Search Engines With hidden=until-found Attribute 1 - Tips and Tricks News

Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle