Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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monday26 Oct 2020

ClipDrop Brings Copy Paste for the World Around You

ClipDrop, a new app that lets your phone’s camera quickly grab objects from your environment and place them into desktop apps, is now available to try. It’s a neat twist on AR, that makes the physical world digital, instead of projecting digital images onto the world around you. Promotional videos of the beta app show it being able to photograph everything from plants to TVs and then quickly imported into documents as cropped objects.

You get five free photo clips with a download of the software, but clipping more requires a subscription. ClipDrop is currently priced at $39.99 for a year, but after November 20th the price raises to $79.99 a year, or $9.99 a month.


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IETF Publishes RFC 9116 for security.txt File 1 - General News

Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle