Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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wednesday14 Oct 2020

Facebook Reveals a New-Look Logo for Messenger with Some New Features

Along with a new colourful logo they unveiled the direction they are taking with the Messenger product.

It’s more than just a messaging: they have been launching products and features that make it easier and more fun to be with your friends and family when you can’t be together in person, whether that’s popping into a virtual room to catch up, or watching funny videos together.

Integration with Facebook’s Other Apps:  They recently announced cross-app communication with Instagram which will be rolled out to most users in North America soon. Messenger also powers conversations within Portal, and soon Oculus.

Personalization: they are rolling out new chat themes, like love and tie-dye, and custom reactions. Along with features like selfie stickers and vanish mode that are coming soon.

Social Media

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Facebook Reveals a New-Look Logo for Messenger with Some New Features 1 - Social Media News

Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle