Saijo George

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wednesday7 Oct 2020

BigQuery Integration for Analytics App + Web Properties

Looks like Google Analytics is bringing free BigQuery export to all customers! This replaces the previous method, which required configuring a Firebase project and involved lots of extra steps.

This BigQuery export opens up the availability for you to export all of your raw Google Analytics event data. Previously, this feature was only available in Google Analytics 360 (enterprise). This meant if you were using Google Analytics Standard, there was no ideal method to export or get access to the underlying raw/event data in the platform. This makes it really challenging to deal with advanced Google Analytics needs like getting unsampled reports, connecting with other reporting/visualization platforms like Tableau, or integrating with other datasets like your CRM or marketing data warehouse. With the new version of Google Analytics, this is no longer a problem!

Data is only exported from the date of enablement, there is no historical backfill.


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