Saijo George

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thursday3 Sep 2020

Shopify Rolling out ccTLD and Country Sub-Domain Support with Automatic hreflang Support

If you want to sell to buyers in multiple countries, then you can use international domains to display your online store in the language that is specific to each region or country, and show the prices in the local currency.

You can use both top-level domains and subdomains when creating region-specific or country-specific domains. For example, you can use in the United States, where your online store appears in English and shows prices in USD. In France, you can use, or, where your online store appears in French and shows prices in EUR. This improves localized shopping experiences and helps with international selling.

They take care of Hreflang tags which are set up automatically for every domain you add.

International domains aren’t available to stores on the Shopify Lite plan and the Basic Shopify plan, you will need the Advanced and Plus plans.


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