Saijo George

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friday21 Aug 2020

Googler Says Keywords In URLs Have Minimal Impact Once Content Is Indexed

? ?

Back in the day, I have seen first hand that having the keyword in the URL did help with ranking and I have worked with that assumption ever since. Now someone asked John on twitter

To which John replied

So what does that mean? This is for an existing site, perhaps he was referring to the fact that that the small advantage you get with keywords in the URL might be offset by the fact you will have to tell Google to reindex the new pages and pass the value from those old ones to the new ones and a million things can go wrong when you do a migration.

I would still consider this as something worth exploring while auditing the site because which would you rather see in the SERPs

  • ?

but then again with Chrome and Firefox looking to kill off the URL, no URLs might creep into the SERPs as well.

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