Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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tuesday7 Jul 2020

India’s Proposed E-Commerce Draft Would Government Access to Online Companies’ Source Codes and Algorithms

According to a recent Bloomberg article Amazon, Google Face tougher rules in India’s E-Commerce Draft that includes steps that could help local startups and impose government oversight on how companies handle data.

The government has been working on the policy for at least two years amid calls to reduce the dominance of global tech giants like Inc., Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Facebook Inc. Under rules laid out in a 15-page draft seen by Bloomberg, the government would appoint an e-commerce regulator to ensure the industry is competitive with broad access to information resources.

The proposed rules would also mandate government access to online companies’ source codes and algorithms, which the ministry says would help ensure against “digitally induced biases” by competitors. Honestly, I really don’t see these corporations handing out their source codes and algorithms without a fight.

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