Saijo George

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wednesday17 Jun 2020

Adobe Flash Will Finally Die on December 31st 2020

If you are like me each time you read an Adobe Flash story you are like didn’t Flash die ages ago? Well, Adobe decided to wind down Flash support in 2017, and now we know when this once-storied web plugin will die for good: December 31, 2020. Adobe will block all content in Flash Player after December 31st.

The shift to mobile content and the maturation of standards like HTML5 have made Flash a relative rarity online, but Adobe is still issuing security patches. It will stop doing so at the end of 2020, and you will no longer be able to download the Flash Player from Adobe’s site. If you still have Flash installed on your system, Adobe will actively encourage you to uninstall it later this year.

R.I.P Flash, I will always love you for the games you allowed me to play in the browser and hate you for the SEO nightmare when we used to have flash websites for clients.

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