Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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wednesday17 Jun 2020

Multi-Faceted SERP Starts to Roll out for Non COVID Queries

When Google started showing a left-side panel on the desktop for COVID queries, Mordy Oberstein posted an interesting article on how Google might start to roll out these multi-faceted SERP for other queries and it looks like that day is here.

Sample Query: Try searching for what is bodmas on Desktop. I was NOT able to trigger the result from Australia but it works from the UK.

See these are not query modifiers in the traditional sense but the SERP intent changes when you pick one of the sidebar items. It does NOT change the URL, the results are load in dynamically. I think if this rolls out more globally it will be one of the biggest shift in the SERPs we have seen in a long time. Imagine how much more complex rank tracking is going to become.


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Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle