Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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friday17 Jun 2022

Snap thinks augmented reality is the future of shopping and it’s got the data to prove it

Snap thinks augmented reality is “the future of shopping“—and it wants brands and marketers who might pay for its AR services to know that.

To illustrate the effect AR tech has on digital shopping, Snap partnered with ad agency/PR company Publicis Media and with market research consultancy Alter Agents to conduct a study that asked 4,028 shoppers about their experiences with AR, and looked at daily diaries from consumers in the U.S., U.K., France, and Saudi Arabia.

The study showed AR can significantly impact the rate at which digitally shopped items are returned: 66% of people who encounter AR tech in the buying process said they were less likely to return the product they bought once it arrived on their doorstep.

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