Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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thursday9 Jun 2022

GA3toGA4 – Python Script for formatting GA4 data to match and be backfilled with historical GA3 data in BigQuery

GA3 to GA4 is a tool for creating and filling a Bigquery table with available GA4 data and formatting it to be compatible with historical data pulled from the Google Analytics Reporting API v4 for GA3 data. This tool has been designed to run in google colab and to automate a majority of the process.

This notebook aims to provide 3 main functions

  1. Create table with select GA4 data formatted to GA3 data style.
  2. Set up a scheduled query for a daily recurring pull of new GA4 data.
  3. Backfill formatted GA4 data with historical GA3 data

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Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle