Saijo George

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friday3 Jun 2022

Google Analytics Launches Behavioral Modeling For Consent Mode

Companies that implement consent requirements for Analytics cookies will experience data loss from their Google Analytics reporting proportional to the amount of users who decline Analytics cookies. This results in incomplete measurement scenarios, preventing companies from getting answers to questions like:

  • How many Daily Active Users do I have?
  • How many new users did I acquire from my last campaign?
  • What is the user journey from landing on my website to actually making a purchase?
  • How many of my site visitors are based in Germany vs. the UK?
  • What is the difference in user behavior between mobile vs. web visitors?

Behavioral modeling for consent mode aims at filling this data gap by modeling the behavior of users who decline analytics cookies based on the behavior of similar users who accept analytics cookies. The training data used for modeling is based on the consented user data from the property where modeling is activated.

For example, behavioral modeling estimates data based on user and session metrics, such as daily active users and conversion rate, that may be unobservable when identifiers like cookies or user IDs are not fully available. Without modeling, you have a less complete understanding of user behavior on your site based only on the observed data you have available.

Learn more about behavioral modeling

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