Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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friday13 Mar 2020

AMP Optimizer 2.0 Is out with Features like Auto AMP Component Script Import

AMP Optimizer is a tool to simplify creating AMP pages and improve AMP rendering performance. It supports things like AMP server-side-rendering, Optimize AMP framework and custom font loading, Remove not needed whitespace, etc. AMP Optimizer makes it a lot simpler to integrate AMP into frameworks and CMSs. With version 2.0 it added a few other features like

  • Auto AMP component script import – AMP Optimizer will analyze the DOM for any used AMP components and will automatically inject all needed scripts imports into the head.
  • Auto-add any missing mandatory AMP tags – ability to add any missing mandatory AMP tags, so you don’t need to include any AMP specific markup in your layout templates when using AMP Optimizer. Together with auto component import, creating AMP pages becomes as easy as using built in HTML tags.
  • Built-in HTML minification – by removing unneeded whitespace (this includes AMP specific optimizations such as removing whitespace from inline JSON and minifying inline amp-scripts using terser).
  • and more.

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