Saijo George

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thursday6 Jan 2022

Instagram’s chronological feed is back

In a tweet Wednesday, Instagram head Adam Mosseri announced that the platform is rolling out some big changes to the way the core feed experience works, letting users choose between three different feeds. Two new options, Favorites and Following, sort content chronologically, while a third “home” option offers the algorithmically sorted feed we have now.

Mosseri says that the non-chronological home feed will feature “more and more recommendations over time,” functioning more as a discovery hub than a way to keep up on content from people you already follow.

The changes are “already out or going out over the next few weeks” according to Mosseri, and the company plans to roll out a finalized version of the chronological feed options in the first half of 2022. Unlike many limited tests that Facebook and Instagram experiment with regularly, expect to see these changes broadly implemented into the app’s experience.

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