Saijo George

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monday2 Mar 2020

PSA: From 1st March 2020 Google Switched Nofollow Is a Hint for Crawling and Indexing Purposes

Back in September 2019 when Google announced the UGC and sponsored link attribute they made another announcement. As of March 1st 2020, Google will treat the nofollow link attribute as a hint, as opposed to a directive, for crawling and indexing purposes.

What does that mean: previously if a link is nofollow Googlebot will NOT follow it so it won’t crawl or index it BUT now Google can choose to follow it, for example, it may think a nofollow on Wikipedia or a national newspaper’s editorial section may be worth following and indexing but a nofollow link from joe’s uncles site maybe not worth following. It’s up to Google to decide if they will follow and index the content from a nofollow link.

As for ranking sponsored, ugc and nofollow were all considered as hints from September 2019, which basically means it’s up to Google to decide if a link with sponsored, ugc or nofollow attribute should pass any ranking benefit a.k.a link juice.

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Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle