Saijo George

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tuesday18 Feb 2020

Google Ads Offers More Granular Conversion Actions for Leads and Sales

Google is testing more granular options for tracking website conversion actions in Google Ads. The new options give advertisers more options to track website actions through the customer journey.

The current list of options for tracking website conversions (shown below) has five options: purchase, lead, page view, sign-up and other.

The new set of options is divided into two sections: sales categories and lead categories. In addition to “purchase”, those tracking sales actions can also opt to track ad clicks that result in and “add to cart”, “begin checkout” or “subscribe” action. For lead generation, advertisers can set up the following actions: submit lead forms, book appointment, sign-up, request quote, get directions or outbound clicks. (For more information on tracking clicks, see this help page.)

Paid Media

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Google Adds Automated Messaging Through Business Profiles Frequently Asked Questions 1 - SEO News

Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle