Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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friday1 Oct 2021

Google Ads Launches New Budget Report To Visualize Monthly Campaign Spend Behavior

Google is launching a new budget report that will help you visualize monthly campaign spend behaviour. This can help you understand how much you are projected to pay at the end of the month, as well as how past changes to your average daily budget impacted your performance and spend limits.

This new report highlights the following:

  • Your daily spend, which might be up to twice your average daily budget on the days when your ad is more likely to get clicks and conversions.
  • Your campaign’s monthly spending limit; you won’t be charged more than your average daily budget times the average number of days in a month.
  • Your monthly spend forecast, cost to date, and any budget changes you may have made in between.
Paid Media

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Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle