Saijo George

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monday13 Sep 2021

Twitter Introduces A New Label That Allows Bots To Identify Themselves
  1. Twitter Will Start Labeling Useful Bot Accounts From July
  2. Twitter Introduces A New Label That Allows Bots To Identify Themselves
  3. Twitter Launches Labels To Identify The Good Bots to Everyone

Twitter today is introducing a new feature that will allow accounts to self-identify as bots by adding a label to their profile. This feature is designed to help people better differentiate between automated accounts — like bots that retweet the news, public service announcements or other updates — from those operated by humans. It’s not, however, designed to help users identify the “bad bots,” which are those that pose as people, often to spread misinformation or spam.

Today, Twitter says its new “Automated Account” label that identifies “good bots” will be made available to over 500 Developer Accounts. This group will test the feature and provide feedback before it’s opened up more broadly to all Twitter developers. As it’s still a test for the time being, the label won’t be required.

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