Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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thursday8 Jul 2021

Mozilla Investigation: YouTube Algorithm Recommends Videos that Violate Their Policies

YouTube’s controversial algorithm is recommending videos considered disturbing and hateful that often violate the platform’s very own content policies, according to a 10-month long, crowdsourced investigation released today by Mozilla. The in-depth study also found that people in non-English speaking countries are far more likely to encounter videos they considered disturbing.

Highlights of the investigation include:

  • Research volunteers encountered a range of regrettable videos, reporting everything from COVID fear-mongering to political misinformation to wildly inappropriate “children’s” cartoons
  • The non-English speaking world is most affected, with the rate of regrettable videos being 60% higher in countries that do not have English as a primary language
  • 71% of all videos that volunteers reported as regrettable were actively recommended by YouTube’s very own algorithm
  • Almost 200 videos that YouTube’s algorithm recommended to volunteers have now been removed from YouTube—including several that YouTube deemed violated their own policies. These videos had a collective 160 million views before they were removed
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Facebook’s Snapchat-like Vanish Mode Feature Arrives on Messenger and Instagram 1 - Social Media News

Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle