Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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thursday6 Feb 2020

Facebook Adds ‘One-Time Notification’ API to Messenger for Business

One-Time Notification API (Beta) – a new API that allows businesses to send important follow-ups in Messenger for things like price drop alerts, back in-stock alerts, and other important follow-ups that people have requested notifications for.

The way the API works is simple: Businesses can send a message to the user asking if they want to be notified on a topic. If the user asks to be notified, the business receives a token and can use this token to send out the notification with the information the user requested at a later time. Here’s an example:

A person is shopping for a shirt but it’s out of stock. The business asks if they want to be notified when the shirt is back in stock. The user asks to receive a notification and the business gets a token in exchange. When the item is back in stock, the business uses this token to respond back to the person letting them know of the item’s availability.

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Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle