Saijo George

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friday11 Jun 2021

Google Announces New Reporting Features in GA4

Google has announced new reporting features and changes coming to GA4. Here are some of the highlights:

New Lefthand Navigation Menu – The menu was designed to make it easier for users to quickly and intuitively navigate to different reports for their use case. Each section is designed to support a different use case and these sections will be called “Workspaces”.

Expanded Conversion Modeling – Later this year, Google Analytics will begin extending the conversion modeling across “certain reports”. The modeled data strives to fill reporting gaps from those visitors that have not consented to cookie tracking.

More Flexible Reporting in GA4 – Google has also announced that users with admin access will be able to curate the Analytics interface. That means that folks can expand a panel on the left that would expand key dimensions and metrics, which would allow them to customize what their reports look like – not just for custom reports but for the default reports.

Data-Driven Attribution Modeling – Soon, all Google Analytics 4 properties will make data-driven attribution available. There will also be two new reports: the conversion paths report and the model comparison report. The first will be similar to the report that Universal Analytics users are familiar with, which will allow you to monitor the full consumer path, across various channels. The new report will also include conversion credit visualization to help marketers understand their value and, ultimately, ROI by channel.

The Advertising Snapshot – The new report includes what Google is deeming the “Advertising Snapshot”, which is a dashboard that includes multi-channel conversion paths, conversion volumes by channel, and an attribution model comparison graph.


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Google Announces New Reporting Features in GA4 1 - General News

Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle