Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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tuesday8 Jun 2021

Google Ad Manager Launches Manual Experiments for Everyone

Google has developed a new tool called Manual Experiments to help you run your own tests in Google Ad Manager.

In the past, running a test on your inventory was often a complex process requiring a custom setup and time-consuming analysis to measure performance. Manual Experiments simplifies this process by providing you flexibility and control to quickly create and run experiments directly in the platform, and analyze the results.

During the beta period, Manual experiments that were implemented by publishers achieved a 6.5% lift in revenue on average. Today, Manual Experiments are available to all publishers using Ad Manager with three experiment types,

  • Category block experiments:  Let publishers see the impact of allowing specific ad types to show on their sites which they are currently blocked.
  • Unified pricing rule experiments:  Let publishers see the impact of lowering or raising the floor price on specific inventory.
  • Native ad style experiments: Let publishers compare the results of two sets of native ad styles to determine which would perform better in their network.
Paid Media

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