Saijo George

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wednesday2 Jun 2021

Twitter Going to Test Stories-like Ads in Fleets for US Users

Twitter said Tuesday it will start adding full-screen ads to Fleets, its disappearing tweets that sit in a row at the top of users’ mobile Twitter interface. Introduced last November, the Fleet format — a clone of Instagram and Snap’s Stories — has apparently been successful enough that Twitter now wants to try to make money from it.

The ads support images and video in 9:16, and videos can be up to 30 seconds long. Brands can choose to add a “swipe up” call-to-action and will be able to access standard Twitter ad metrics, including impressions, profile visits, clicks, website visits, and other information.

They will test it with select advertisers and will be making the Fleet ads visible to a limited group of US users on iOS and Android.

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