Saijo George

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friday30 Apr 2021

Google Pay Partners With Safeway and Target Stores in the US

Google Pay is announcing some new features to save money on groceries, pay for transit fares in more cities and better understand your spending.

  • They teamed up with Safeway to make it easy to find weekly grocery deals from the Google Pay app. You can find deals on thousands of items across more than 500 Safeway stores nationwide. You can also discover similar deals at Target stores in the US. If you’ve turned on location in Google Pay, soon the app will notify you of the weekly deals at Safeway and Target stores when you’re nearby.
  • Google Pay already supports buying and using mobile transit tickets in more than 80 cities and towns across the United States. Starting soon, we are adding Chicago and the San Francisco Bay Area to the list. Once you purchase a transit card, there’s no need to unlock your phone. Just hold it to the reader and go. In cities without readers, commuters can simply show their visual tickets on their mobile devices.
  • They have added a fast way to see your spending by category or business. For example, if you search for “food,” you will see the amount you have spent on food this month as well as a list of all your transactions related to food. You can get even more specific, for example searching for “burgers” or for a specific business like “Burger King.”

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Google Pay Partners With Safeway and Target Stores in the US 1 - General News

Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle