Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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tuesday6 Apr 2021

Deepfake Amazon Workers Confusion on Twitter Points to a More Concerning Trend

Ahead of a landmark vote that could lead to the formation of the first-ever labor union at a US-based Amazon warehouse, new Twitter accounts purporting to be Amazon employees started appearing. The profiles used deepfake photos as profile pictures and were tweeting some pretty laughable, over-the-top defenses of Amazon’s working practices. They didn’t seem real, but they still led to confusion among the public. Was Amazon really behind them? Was this some terrible new anti-union social media strategy? The answer is almost certainly not—but the use of deepfakes in this context points to a more concerning trend overall.

This just proved deepfake accounts can be deployed in a coordinated way on social media or elsewhere for far more sinister purposes.

A hyper-awareness of deepfakes could also lead people to stop believing in real media, which could have equally dire consequences, such as undermining the documentation of human rights abuses.

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