Saijo George

Curated by Saijo George

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thursday11 Mar 2021

3rd Party Browser Extensions Your Customers Use Will Impact Your Core Web Vitals Scores

Thanks to Dave Sottimano for bringing this to my attention. Apparently, the browser extensions your customers might be using (on Chrome – since CrUX data is sourced from chrome users, AFAIK chromium-based browsers are not included) will have an impact on your CWV score, NOTE these are things you have no control over but it can impact your Core Web Vitals scores.

Say you are an e-commerce website and a bunch of users use a 3rd party coupon chrome extension that offers them discount codes but injects a dropdown at the top of your website when users are visiting the page this can impact your CLS. 😳


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uBlacklist - Browser Extention to Blocks sites you specify from appearing in Google search results 1 - SEO News

Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle