Saijo George

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tuesday2 Mar 2021

Twitter Introduced a New Strike System for Violations of Its Pandemic-Related Rules. Five Strikes and You Are Out

Twitter announced Monday that it would begin injecting new labels into users’ timelines to push back against misinformation that could disrupt the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.

Twitter also introduced a new strike system for violations of its pandemic-related rules. The new system is modeled after a set of consequences it implemented for voter suppression and voting-related misinformation. Within that framework, a user with two or three “strikes” faces a 12-hour account lockout. With four violations, they lose account access for one week, with permanent suspension looming after five strikes.

Social Media

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Twitter Introduced a New Strike System for Violations of Its Pandemic-Related Rules. Five Strikes and You Are Out 1 - Social Media News

Ryan Mews SEO Manager Merkle